Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So! (i usually start all these posts with "so"....)

These past couple weeks have been crazy here at the Bible college. Not too crazy, but crazier than usual.
We had to extend the school day to Monday and Saturday to cover all the classes, because other exciting events took their place!
We had another wedding, and a mini conference here.

This past week ago, Justin's parents (one of the students here this semester) flew in to visit him and celebrate his 19th birthday. It's been a blessing to get to know them (he looks so much like his mom!). It's really neat to be able to see into some of the students lives, really see some of the things and people that have made them into the awesome people they are today.

Two weeks ago (i think two weeks) all the guys were gone on a men's retreat, so me and Tamiko (dorm-steward/intern) took the Ginowan youth group (the girl's in it) up to Yomitan (Tamiko's native land) for a Bible study and time of worship/fellowship. We brought a sweet dinner (snacks and sandwiches!) and after picking up some famous Creme Puffs at a local spot, we sat down to chub out and take some sweet pictures.

Infamous Creme Puff shop (Tamiko's favorite)

View from the yard.

After that, we headed down to the beach for some worship (Thanks Hannah!) and a Bible study.
God has been putting on my heart to really be loving to EVERY person. If we say we love God and hate a brother, then we are a liar. If we love Him who begot us (saved us), then we will love him who is begotten (him who is saved).


Hannah: full of the Joy of the Lord.

Tamiko is the best translator ^_^

(We stopped to visit Tamiko's family and see their sweet house her dad designed!)

It was cool to be reminded of God's great love, and also that this is not something that is impossible no matter how faulty a person we are. We can do all things through Christ.

We have some people from our church that left/will be leaving for the mainland soon, so we threw them a goodbye bash this past Sunday night (really a lets-eat-cake-and-say-goodbye).
It is really sad to see them go, we don't like having to miss our brothers and sisters. But at the same time, it's super exciting because we know they are going out for an amazing thing. God is using them, and God is with them. We are blessed that they are blessed going out.
We stand behind them and pray for them. ^_^

Abraham is heading out too mainland for a new Job (i don't know what his pose is hahaa)

Tomoyuki! Tomo is the coolest! he drives a sweet scooter, and he draws and does photography, he is a good brother. your missed dude! have fun in mainland with your family! (he finished college here)

and Mariko, my only tall asian friend. She is the coolest, i really miss her. She has the sweetest/coolest heart from Jesus, i really enjoyed getting to see it and to watch it grow. Be blessed and so filled with Jesus while your attending college in mainland. God is going to bless you, even though times will get hard, in this new step you've taken. Keep your eyes on Jesus, we are praying for you ^_^

This past sunday, was Easter! So in celibration of the day our Lord rose and gave us that shining hope we live in, we all headed up to Nago where Tim was hosting a Japanese BBQ in his home! (now that doesn't mean things cooked on a grill outside in Japan). We were going to have it on the beach, but the weather was a little stormy and rained a lot. So we kept it indoors (praise God, the house they live in is a perfect size!) and it was awesome. Lots of people came, and we ate, had some live music (Incoming Rush, and Hakugaijin played acoustic shows!) and then had an easter message speaking about the whole reason we were there celebrating. It was super cool, and we got to talk to some sweet Nagonians (the people that live in Nago).

A cornucopia of shoes.

Hakugaijin playing

I personalized everyone's cups so they wouldn't get mixed up.

Now we're settling back into a normal schedule, until FRIDAY! when the students leave for the Korea missions trip!!! So everyone is buckling down hard for the second half of the semester, to stay ahead on homework. Time flies...~

God bless

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